Sunday, April 21, 2013

Rollercoaster Waves

As of late, my high school experience has been defined by ups, downs, twists, turns, and those unexpected loops that tie knots in your stomach. It's exciting, scary, and thrilling all at the same time. And I think that the desire to stay on this ride is very "senior-esque" for lack of a better word.

Going into my senior year, I fantasized about a time in which I would have fun with friends, fall in love, get a job, and stop giving two fucks about school. And now here I am, a few F's, two jobs, and one heartbreak later...and I'm still struggling to find a conclusion to my SBHS career. 

And the thing is, it's all coming to an end. What else can I do besides wait out the inevitable? In two months, I graduate and all of these trivial matters will be subject to my past. And I'll be shoved onto an even more exciting, more scary, and more thrilling roller coaster.